So obviously, the next question is, can he win the Belmont and thus the Triple Crown? The Belmont is called "The Test of Champions" and so shall it be for I'll Have Another. The last horse to win the elusive Triple Crown (and only the eleventh in the entire history of the sport) was Affirmed in 1978.
I'm rather nervous, because I remember watching Big Brown in 2008 and being almost certain that, at last, we had a Triple Crown winner, only to be hugely disappointed when Big Brown was hardly a contestant in the Belmont.
I'm still hoping, because I want to see a Triple Crown winner, but I don't want to get my hopes up too high.
Well, on to a few details of the Preakness.
Once again, I'll Have Another and Bodemeister were in competition for first place, I'll Have Another winning by only a neck. Bodemeister is not going on to the Belmont. Supposedly, so that he can "rest", though he came off of the Preakness well. I'm thinking this is a little strange since Bodemeister was I'll Have Another's only competition. It seems to me that if he does win the Belmont, the victory will be a little tainted by the fact that his rival was taken out of the race. But that's just my opinion.
Here's the footage of the race.
So exciting! When is the Belmont?
Ooo Ooo Ooo! I hope I'll Have Another wins the Triple Crown!
Haha! Thats funny Leanna! I can almost see you jumping out of your chair! Thanks for posting the video. I missed it on TV, but I plan on watching the next one on TV. I really hope he wins again! That would be awesome to be around for a Triple Crown winner.
the Belmont is June 9, Lydia. Yes, Kendra, I hope we see a Triple Crown Winner!
Well we wont be seeing a Triple crown winner this year...that stinks... oh and Leanna you have been slacking on your posts! I check almost every day for something new! haha love ya!
I know, I know :-D
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